Nuka world good ending
Nuka world good ending

nuka world good ending nuka world good ending

There's also a heavy focus on exploration, which is quite possibly the add-on's greatest strength. Naturally, your standing with the three gangs depends on how much land you give them, although aside from some threatening dialogue and the outcome of a later quest, you'll struggle to really notice how your decisions impact the opinions of your psychotic allies. Getting the expansion's three Raider clans to play nice essentially boils down to capturing different districts of Nuka World and then handing out each new territory to a gang of your choosing. The DLC's premise is enticing: Nuka World is a pre-war amusement park now rundown and crawling with Raiders, and you're dragged in to keep the peace between rival gangs, acting as the nicely named Overboss. However, Nuka World still stands reasonably strong as an expansion in its own right. If anything, it just feels like another crazy wasteland story - not the definitive end to your vault dweller's tale. Unfortunately, this last slice of DLC simply isn't the big finish that many may have hoped for it never feels like the grand finale that Fallout 4 deserves.

Nuka world good ending